Bert and Ronald with their catch of 253 lb of Bream.
It was the first time for Dutch anglers Ronald and Bert,they decided to stay with Kevin and Jane at Melview Fishing Lodge in Longford.On arrival it was straight off to visit some fishing venues that Kevin thoughtwould be good for them to fish, they decided on the first they were shown for afew hours and later that evening we prebaited the swim. The next couple of daysand prebaits produced some great catches of Bream and Tench for them, usingvarious bait cocktails on the hook feeder fished at 30 yards. They even had timeto take two days out from the fishing to tour around the island, they evencommented that it was a beautiful country with great scenery and friendlypeople. Thanks for the great company all week guys and hope to see you overagain some time.
All fish returned unharmed.