Jean – Pierre from Belgium with one of his Pike.
Jean Pierre and son Nick along with friend Alain from Belgium were over once again to enjoy both Coarse and Pike fishing, Jean-Pierre ( J.P. ) normally comes over three times a year to Ireland and Melview Fishing Lodge. J.P. was over for Pike fishing and son Nick and family friend Alain were over for coarse fishing. J.P. managed his Pike fishing as normal however Nick and Alain after fishing and prebaiting a couple of venues for the coarse fishing found that the areas they were fishing were full of pike that had come in to feed on the bait fish they had attracted by prebaiting. They managed some good Tench and Bream ( see coarse report ) but had no choice in the end but to team up with J.P and go for the Pike. That decision paid off for both Nick and Alain as they caught some cracking Pike to 107 cm. Thanks for the company again guys and will see you again soon.
All fish returned unharmed.