by Melview Lodge | Apr 13, 2017 | Angling Reports 2017
All smiles for Philippe Arnassand with a nice PikePhilippe Arnassand and friends Manu and Julien are enjoying a good weeks Pike fishing at present at Melview Fishing Lodge in Longford.Fishing with casting lures and shads they have managed to produced plenty of Pike...
by Melview Lodge | Apr 12, 2017 | Angling Reports 2017
Manu from France with one of his better PikePhilippe Arnassand and friends Manu and Julien are enjoying a good weeks Pike fishing at present at Melview Fishing Lodge in Longford.Fishing with casting lures and shads they have managed to produced plenty of Pike over...
by Melview Lodge | Apr 11, 2017 | Angling Reports 2017
Julien’s Pike taken on Hard lurePhilippe Arnassand and friends Manu and Julien are enjoying a good weeks Pike fishing at present at Melview Fishing Lodge in Longford.Fishing with casting lures and shads they have managed to produced plenty of Pike over there first few...
by Melview Lodge | Mar 29, 2017 | Angling Reports 2017
Another good double for SeanSean and Bill form Dublin were once again up at Melview Fishing Lodge in Longford for another Pike fishing trip. Things started a little slow for them but as the days went on things could only get better for the pair.Using various dead...
by Melview Lodge | Mar 28, 2017 | Angling Reports 2017
Bill’s Pike falls for a MackerelSean and Bill form Dublin were once again up at Melview Fishing Lodge in Longford for another Pike fishing trip. Things started a little slow for them but as the days went on things could only get better for the pair.Using various dead...
by Melview Lodge | Mar 27, 2017 | Angling Reports 2017
Sean with a nice double figure PikeSean and Bill form Dublin were once again up at Melview Fishing Lodge in Longford for another Pike fishing trip. Things started a little slow for them but as the days went on things could only get better for the pair.Using various...